User practice statistics / status will persisted for the current user and current browser only. If computer is changed or user is changed or if browser is switched, statistics will start from the beginning.
Average typing speed in WPM:
Words per minute (WPM) is the number of words processed per minute, most commonly used to measure and denote the speed of typing or reading speed. For measuring typing speed, each word is standardized to be five characters or five keystrokes long, which include white space.
Average typing speed 0 WPM
Completed levels:
This indicates how many many levels were fully completed and starts were collected. Skipped classes are not considered as completed.
0 out of 0 levels
Completed levels
Completed levels progress:
This indicates percentage number of the fully completed classes. Skipped typing levels are not considered as completed.
Completed levels progress 0 %
Overall exercise time:
This indicates all time practice time and it includes today practice time.
00h : 00m : 00s
Overall exercise time
Today exercise time:
This practice time for the current date and it will reset on the next day.
00h : 00m : 00s
Today exercise time
Total collected stars:
Each practice level issue certain number of starts based on the user touch typing speed and accuracy. Practice level can be replayed if you wish to collect more starts.
0 stars
Total collected stars
Total collected coins:
Each practice level issue certain number of points based on the user touch typing speed, accuracy and corrected letters. Practice level can be replayed if you wish to collect more points.