Level 491 Practice - top 1000 words: Sentience Nr:15
Level description:
This level is composed out of English top 1000 words.
These words cover a range of letters and symbols, making them suitable for practicing touch typing and improving your skills.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Evaluate Progress : Regularly assess your typing speed and accuracy to track improvement.
- Noise Reduction : Create a quiet workspace to reduce stress and minimize distractions.
- Practice and Progress : Start with simple typing exercises to build your muscle memory and accuracy. Gradually increase the complexity of the exercises to challenge yourself and improve your speed. Don't be discouraged by mistakes initially; practice is key to improvement.
- Practice Difficult Words : Identify words that you find challenging to type and practice them repeatedly until you can type them quickly and accurately.
- Isolation Exercises : Perform exercises to enhance finger independence.
Remember, touch typing mastery takes time and consistent effort. Practice regularly, prioritize accuracy, and gradually increase your speed to achieve proficient touch typing skills.