Level 504 Practice - top 1000 words: Sentience Nr:28
Level description:
This level is composed out of English top 1000 words.
These words cover a range of letters and symbols, making them suitable for practicing touch typing and improving your skills.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Chair Base : Choose a chair with a stable base that allows you to swivel and move easily without straining.
- Screen Position : Place your monitor at eye level and about 20-30 inches away from your eyes to minimize strain on your neck and eyes.
- Correct Mistakes Efficiently : If you make a mistake, correct it immediately to reinforce the correct motion.
- Number Row : Use your top row fingers to reach number keys without lifting your hands from the home row.
- Keyboard Layout : Use an ergonomic keyboard with a split layout if possible. This can help reduce strain on your wrists and fingers.
Overall, practicing typing top words is a practical and valuable exercise that can have a positive impact on your productivity, communication, and overall computer skills.