Level 479 Practice - top 1000 words: Sentience Nr:3
Level description:
This level is composed out of English top 1000 words.
Expanding your vocabulary can indirectly improve your typing speed. Familiarity with words makes it easier to type them without hesitation.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Blink Frequently : Remind yourself to blink regularly to keep your eyes moist and reduce dryness.
- Mouse Placement : Place your mouse close to the keyboard at the same height to minimize reaching and straining your shoulder.
- Symbols and Special Characters : Practice typing symbols, punctuation, and special characters.
- Desk Depth : Ensure that your desk depth allows you to comfortably rest your arms while typing.
- Hydration : Stay hydrated throughout the day to prevent muscle stiffness and discomfort.
Remember that mastering touch typing is a gradual process that requires patience and commitment. Focus on developing proper techniques and muscle memory, and you'll see significant improvements over time.