Level 540 Practice - top 1000 words: Sentience Nr:64
Level description:
This level is composed out of English top 1000 words.
Feel free to use these words as building blocks for your touch typing practice. Remember, consistent practice is key to improving your speed and accuracy.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Basic Movements : When typing a letter on the home row, use the corresponding finger for that key. For example, use your left index finger for "F" and your right index finger for "J." When typing letters on other rows, your fingers should stretch or move smoothly to reach the keys. Always return to the home row after typing a key.
- Use a Proper Keyboard and Mouse : Invest in an ergonomic keyboard and mouse that encourage a more natural hand and wrist position.
- Routine Building : Develop a routine that includes warm-up exercises before typing.
- Keyboard Stickers : Use keyboard stickers with finger markings for early learning stages.
- Motivational Reminders : Keep your goals visible to maintain motivation.
Overall, practicing typing top words is a practical and valuable exercise that can have a positive impact on your productivity, communication, and overall computer skills.