train typing


Text 1


Typing texts

Level 290 Practice - train typing: Text 1

Level description:

This is a typing training level.

Keep track of your typing speed and accuracy.

Lesson text: Take your time and type this passage accurately. Remember to focus on your finger placement and typing technique. Maintain a comfortable typing position and focus on developing a rhythm and flow as you type.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Motivational Reminders : Keep your goals visible to maintain motivation.
  2. Use Typing for Notes : Apply touch typing when taking digital notes during meetings or classes.
  3. Breaks : Take regular breaks to prevent hand and wrist fatigue.
  4. Varied Finger Movements : Practice finger exercises that involve varied movements and patterns.
  5. Screen Position : Place your monitor at eye level and about 20-30 inches away from your eyes to minimize strain on your neck and eyes.


Practicing good posture while touch typing is an investment in your long-term comfort and health. These tips will help you create a comfortable and efficient workspace.
