2 letter blocks


$ &


Level 394 Practice - 2 letter blocks: $ &

Level description:

Typing 2 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

As you become proficient in typing letter blocks, you'll likely feel more confident in your typing abilities. This confidence can translate into a greater willingness to tackle more challenging typing tasks.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Relax Between Sessions : Relax your hands and wrists between typing sessions.
  2. Row Awareness : The keyboard is divided into rows. The top row consists of keys like "Q," "W," "E," etc., the middle row includes "A," "S," "D," "F," "G," "H," "J," "K," and "L," and the bottom row has "Z," "X," "C," "V," "B," "N," and "M." Your fingers should naturally rest on the home row keys, making it easier to move to the other rows.
  3. Wrist Rest Usage : Use a padded wrist rest sparingly, as it's meant for occasional support during breaks, not continuous typing.
  4. Neutral Forearms : Keep your forearms parallel to the floor, with your wrists straight and hovering over the keys.
  5. Feet Placement : Keep your feet flat on the ground or on a footrest. Avoid crossing your legs or letting them dangle.


Consistency, patience, and dedication are key throughout these steps. Over time, your muscle memory will strengthen, and you'll achieve touch typing mastery.
