4 letter blocks


' "


Level 75 Practice - 4 letter blocks: ' "

Level description:

Typing 4 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

Certain letter combinations or blocks occur frequently in words. Practicing typing these blocks enables you to type common words and phrases faster, which increases your overall typing efficiency and productivity.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Warm-Up Routine : Before intense typing, perform hand and finger exercises to warm up your muscles.
  2. Pinky Finger (A) : Use your pinky finger to type the "A" key without moving your entire hand.
  3. Natural Spinal Curve : Sit back in your chair, maintaining the three natural curves of your spine: inward curve in the lower back, outward curve in the mid-back, and inward curve in the neck.
  4. Drill Exercises : Engage in typing drills to target specific keys and patterns.
  5. Use All Fingers : Utilize all fingers for typing, even for keys located farther from the home row.


By following these five steps with dedication and patience, you'll be on your way to mastering touch typing and becoming a proficient typist. Remember that consistent practice is the key to success.
