4 letter blocks


~ _ +


Level 466 Practice - 4 letter blocks: ~ _ +

Level description:

Typing 4 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

Certain letter combinations or blocks occur frequently in words. Practicing typing these blocks enables you to type common words and phrases faster, which increases your overall typing efficiency and productivity.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Concentration : Focus on the text you're typing to prevent mental distractions.
  2. Fingertip Contact : Use the tips of your fingers to strike the keys, avoiding excessive force.
  3. Track WPM : Monitor your words per minute to track progress.
  4. Index Finger Reach : Your index fingers will frequently transition between the home row and the top and bottom rows.
  5. Error Correction : Correct mistakes immediately to reinforce accurate typing.


Typing letter blocks is an effective way to improve your touch-typing skills, boost your typing speed and accuracy, and enhance your overall typing experience. It's a skill that can have a positive impact on various aspects of your personal and professional life, making you a more efficient and confident typist.
