8 letter blocks


1 0


Level 370 Practice - 8 letter blocks: 1 0

Level description:

Typing 8 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

Typing letter blocks helps develop muscle memory, which is the ability of your fingers to automatically find the correct keys without looking at the keyboard. This muscle memory is crucial for improving typing speed and accuracy.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Adjust Keyboard Height : Ensure your keyboard's height allows your wrists to remain straight.
  2. Regular Ergonomic Assessment : Periodically evaluate your workspace and posture to identify and address any changes needed for optimal comfort.
  3. Chair Comfort : Choose a chair with adjustable features such as height, backrest angle, and armrests. Opt for cushioning that supports your body comfortably.
  4. Up and Down : Train your fingers to travel smoothly between the home row and the top and bottom rows.
  5. Mouse Sensitivity : Adjust your mouse sensitivity to minimize the force required for clicking and scrolling.


Consistency, patience, and dedication are key throughout these steps. Over time, your muscle memory will strengthen, and you'll achieve touch typing mastery.
