8 letter blocks


3 8


Level 342 Practice - 8 letter blocks: 3 8

Level description:

Typing 8 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

Certain letter combinations or blocks occur frequently in words. Practicing typing these blocks enables you to type common words and phrases faster, which increases your overall typing efficiency and productivity.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Blank Keyboards : Use a blank keyboard to discourage looking at keys.
  2. Document Holder : If you frequently refer to physical documents while typing, use a document holder positioned at the same height and distance as your monitor.
  3. Keyboard Height : Adjust the keyboard height so your wrists remain straight while typing. A keyboard tray or an adjustable desk can help achieve the right height.
  4. Motivational Reminders : Keep your goals visible to maintain motivation.
  5. Type Common Words : Practice typing common words repeatedly to improve speed.


By following these five steps with dedication and consistency, you'll be well on your way to mastering touch typing. Remember that progress takes time, so stay patient and persistent throughout your journey.
