8 letter blocks


@ (


Level 440 Practice - 8 letter blocks: @ (

Level description:

Typing 8 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

Certain letter combinations or blocks occur frequently in words. Practicing typing these blocks enables you to type common words and phrases faster, which increases your overall typing efficiency and productivity.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Relaxed Shoulders : Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid tension buildup.
  2. Wrist Rest Usage : Use a padded wrist rest sparingly, as it's meant for occasional support during breaks, not continuous typing.
  3. Stretching : Perform hand and wrist stretches during breaks to prevent strain.
  4. Regular Ergonomic Assessment : Periodically evaluate your workspace and posture to identify and address any changes needed for optimal comfort.
  5. Wrist Flexor Stretch : Gently stretch your wrist flexor muscles by extending your arm and pulling your fingers back.


Remember that achieving a typing speed of 100 WPM or more requires time and dedicated effort. Patience and consistent practice are key to reaching this goal.
