Level 271 Practice - top 15 frequent: 3 letter blocks
Level description:
Typing top 3 frequent words.
Being able to type common words quickly can save you a substantial amount of time when you're composing emails, documents, or any other type of written content. This increased productivity can be especially beneficial in professional settings.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Natural Spinal Curve : Sit back in your chair, maintaining the three natural curves of your spine: inward curve in the lower back, outward curve in the mid-back, and inward curve in the neck.
- Row Awareness : The keyboard is divided into rows. The top row consists of keys like "Q," "W," "E," etc., the middle row includes "A," "S," "D," "F," "G," "H," "J," "K," and "L," and the bottom row has "Z," "X," "C," "V," "B," "N," and "M." Your fingers should naturally rest on the home row keys, making it easier to move to the other rows.
- Desk Depth : Ensure that your desk depth allows you to comfortably rest your arms while typing.
- Use Typing for Notes : Apply touch typing when taking digital notes during meetings or classes.
- Elbow Angle : Keep your elbows close to your body and at a relaxed angle of around 90 degrees. Your forearms should be parallel to the floor.
Remember that touch typing mastery is a gradual process. Focus on developing accurate and efficient typing techniques, and over time, you'll see significant improvement in your speed and accuracy.