10 letter words


3 8


Level 350 Training - 10 letter words: 3 8

Level description:

10 letter words.

When words of various sizes, you might naturally start to "chunk" or group letters together in your mind, making typing feel more intuitive and less like a series of individual key presses.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Mental Visualization : Visualize the keyboard layout mentally as you type.
  2. Symbols and Special Characters : Practice typing symbols, punctuation, and special characters.
  3. Elbow Angle : Keep your elbows close to your body and at a relaxed angle of around 90 degrees. Your forearms should be parallel to the floor.
  4. Chair Comfort : Choose a chair with adjustable features such as height, backrest angle, and armrests. Opt for cushioning that supports your body comfortably.
  5. Noise Reduction : Create a quiet workspace to reduce stress and minimize distractions.


Remember, touch typing mastery takes time and consistent effort. Focus on building a strong foundation of accurate typing before aiming for higher speeds. Regular practice, patience, and dedication will lead you to touch typing proficiency.
