3 letter words


C ,


Level 214 Training - 3 letter words: C ,

Level description:

3 letter words.

Typing words of various sizes challenges your typing stamina, helping you build endurance for longer typing sessions, which is particularly beneficial for tasks like transcribing or data entry.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Minimal Movement : Minimize finger movement by reaching keys with short, controlled motions.
  2. Hand Alternation : Alternate typing between your left and right hands to maintain balance.
  3. Keyboard Sensitivity : Adjust keyboard sensitivity to prevent bottoming out keys and reduce strain on your fingers.
  4. Varied Finger Movements : Practice finger exercises that involve varied movements and patterns.
  5. Typing Challenges : Tackle different types of texts like technical articles, fiction, and emails.


Typing letter blocks is an effective way to improve your touch-typing skills, boost your typing speed and accuracy, and enhance your overall typing experience. It's a skill that can have a positive impact on various aspects of your personal and professional life, making you a more efficient and confident typist.
