Level 242 Training - 4 letter words: Z /
Level description:
4 letter words.
Typing words of various sizes helps you adapt to different lengths of text. This is crucial because you'll encounter everything from short phrases to lengthy documents in your typing tasks.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Regular Breaks : Take breaks between typing sessions to prevent strain.
- Monitor Distance : Position the top of the monitor screen at or slightly below your eye level.
- Varied Finger Movements : Practice finger exercises that involve varied movements and patterns.
- Index Finger Reach : Your index fingers will frequently transition between the home row and the top and bottom rows.
- Ring Finger (L) : The "L" key belongs to your ring finger. Keep your fingers poised above it.
Remember that consistent practice and attention to hand position are essential for becoming a proficient touch typist and preventing discomfort or injury.