5 letter words


Home Row


Level 83 Training - 5 letter words: Home Row

Level description:

5 letter words.

When words of various sizes, you might naturally start to "chunk" or group letters together in your mind, making typing feel more intuitive and less like a series of individual key presses.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Row Awareness : The keyboard is divided into rows. The top row consists of keys like "Q," "W," "E," etc., the middle row includes "A," "S," "D," "F," "G," "H," "J," "K," and "L," and the bottom row has "Z," "X," "C," "V," "B," "N," and "M." Your fingers should naturally rest on the home row keys, making it easier to move to the other rows.
  2. Proper Posture : Sit up straight, with feet flat on the ground, and wrists aligned with the keyboard.
  3. Micro-Breaks : Take micro-breaks every few minutes to relax your hands and wrists and improve blood circulation.
  4. Wrist Alignment : Your wrists should be in a neutral position, neither bent upward nor downward. Use a wrist rest or a padded surface if needed.
  5. Balanced Diet : Maintain a balanced diet to support overall muscle health.


Remember that mastering touch typing is a gradual process that requires patience and commitment. Focus on developing proper techniques and muscle memory, and you'll see significant improvements over time.
