6 letter words


@ (


Level 444 Training - 6 letter words: @ (

Level description:

6 letter words.

Typing words of various sizes demands greater accuracy to minimize errors. Training with different word lengths can enhance your focus and attention to detail, reducing the likelihood of typos.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Phone Usage : Use a headset or speakerphone for extended calls to avoid straining your neck while holding the phone.
  2. Row Awareness : The keyboard is divided into rows. The top row consists of keys like "Q," "W," "E," etc., the middle row includes "A," "S," "D," "F," "G," "H," "J," "K," and "L," and the bottom row has "Z," "X," "C," "V," "B," "N," and "M." Your fingers should naturally rest on the home row keys, making it easier to move to the other rows.
  3. Read Aloud Practice : Read text aloud as you type to improve auditory and verbal coordination.
  4. Neutral Wrists : Keep your wrists straight and aligned with your forearms. Avoid bending your wrists upward or downward.
  5. Adjust Chair Height : Adjust your chair height so that your feet rest flat on the ground or on a footrest. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle or slightly lower.


Remember that touch typing mastery is a gradual process. Focus on developing accurate and efficient typing techniques, and over time, you'll see significant improvement in your speed and accuracy.
