Level 141 Training - 7 letter words: Q P
Level description:
7 letter words.
When words of various sizes, you might naturally start to "chunk" or group letters together in your mind, making typing feel more intuitive and less like a series of individual key presses.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Head Position : Keep your head aligned with your spine, avoiding tilting forward or backward.
- Apply Skills : Use touch typing skills in your daily work and activities.
- Regular Breaks : Take breaks between typing sessions to prevent strain.
- Practice Difficult Words : Identify words that you find challenging to type and practice them repeatedly until you can type them quickly and accurately.
- Ring Finger (S) : The "S" key is your responsibility. Keep your fingers over it to access it easily.
By following these five steps with dedication and consistency, you'll be well on your way to mastering touch typing. Remember that progress takes time, so stay patient and persistent throughout your journey.