Level 376 Training - 8 letter words: 1 0
Level description:
8 letter words.
Typing words of various sizes demands greater accuracy to minimize errors. Training with different word lengths can enhance your focus and attention to detail, reducing the likelihood of typos.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Frequent Breaks : Take short breaks every 20-30 minutes to stretch, move around, and relax your muscles.
- Efficient Movements : Focus on efficient finger movements rather than forceful typing.
- Avoid Slouching : Maintain the natural curve of your spine by sitting up straight. Use the chair's lumbar support to help with this.
- Target Weak Areas : Concentrate on the keys or finger combinations you find challenging.
- Error Correction : Correct mistakes immediately to reinforce accurate typing.
Regular and focused practice is key to improving your touch typing skills over time.