Level 474 Training - 8 letter words: ~ _ +
Level description:
8 letter words.
Typing words of various sizes helps you adapt to different lengths of text. This is crucial because you'll encounter everything from short phrases to lengthy documents in your typing tasks.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Document Holder : If you frequently refer to physical documents while typing, use a document holder positioned at the same height and distance as your monitor.
- Smooth Transitions : Practice transitioning between keys and rows smoothly.
- Hand Position : Place your hands on the keyboard with your fingers curved and hovering slightly above the keys. Avoid resting your wrists on the desk or keyboard.
- Use a Proper Keyboard and Mouse : Invest in an ergonomic keyboard and mouse that encourage a more natural hand and wrist position.
- Keyboard Stickers : Use keyboard stickers with finger markings for early learning stages.
Remember, mastery takes time and patience. Focus on each step, monitor your progress, and keep practicing. Over time, your touch typing skills will significantly improve, leading to both speed and accuracy.