Level 335 Training - 9 letter words: 5 6
Level description:
9 letter words.
Typing words of various sizes helps you adapt to different lengths of text. This is crucial because you'll encounter everything from short phrases to lengthy documents in your typing tasks.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Keyboard Stickers : Use keyboard stickers with finger markings for early learning stages.
- Focus on Accuracy : While speed is important, accuracy should not be compromised. Aim for a balance between speed and correctness to avoid making frequent mistakes.
- Adapt to Your Style : Modify techniques to suit your personal comfort and efficiency.
- Comfortable Environment : Ensure your workspace is comfortable and conducive to focus.
- Wrist Rest Usage : Use a padded wrist rest sparingly, as it's meant for occasional support during breaks, not continuous typing.
By following these five steps, you'll progressively enhance your touch typing skills, transitioning from accuracy to speed while maintaining proper technique and posture. Remember, patience and consistent practice are key to mastering touch typing.