9 letter words


` - =


Level 391 Training - 9 letter words: ` - =

Level description:

9 letter words.

Typing words of various sizes demands greater accuracy to minimize errors. Training with different word lengths can enhance your focus and attention to detail, reducing the likelihood of typos.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Neutral Wrists : Keep your wrists straight and aligned with your forearms. Avoid bending your wrists upward or downward.
  2. Neutral Forearms : Keep your forearms parallel to the floor, with your wrists straight and hovering over the keys.
  3. Dynamic Sitting : Shift your weight occasionally, move around, and make small adjustments to maintain blood flow and prevent stiffness.
  4. Fluid Motion : Type with a fluid, rhythmic motion to improve speed without sacrificing accuracy.
  5. Rhythm and Consistency : Develop a steady and consistent rhythm as you type. Avoid pressing the keys too hard or too lightly. Try not to look at the keyboard while typing. Instead, focus on the screen and let your muscle memory guide your fingers to the right keys.


Remember, touch typing mastery takes time and deliberate practice. Keep challenging yourself, stay patient, and over time, you'll develop the skills to type quickly and accurately without looking at the keyboard.
